Monday, February 11, 2013

Major Snowstorm For Thursday and Friday

Now, the GFS is indicating most of this and actually indicating blizzard conditions. The 12z Canadian is indicating the same. But not most of the Canadian. The NAM is indicating a little inland but still a nice snowstorm. Throw out the Euro with this storm because it's either indicating this storm as a progressing storm or out to sea! But maybe the Euro could top these models tomorrow. Let's get to my predictions for this possible upcoming storm.

Precipitation Type

Confidence: 45%

Snowfall Totals

Confidence: 40%

Note: My confidence is 40%-45% with this outlook. That means this could change. Next outlook could be around 60%. Also, there is another storm coming that will have much more intense winds and possible record snowfall for New York to Boston. So wait for updates.



  1. Hopefully something like this happens! I live in Central Jersey on the Shore and kinda missed out on the last storm with only a few inches... I really hope we get about 12-18" of snow here or more from the system. And if the next one you mentioned does occur, hopefully it'll bring even more snow to my area!

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